I really like life on the farm, I live here and enjoy the most peaceful things from nature, how about you? I’m glad you’re here, I hope you enjoy the video
And you want to know about me? maybe this information will be useful:
I’m “Liều”, 24 years old. I was born into a family in a rural, remote area. From a young age, I followed my father to work as hired laborers in many places, doing many different jobs, but my family life did not change. Every time I return to my hometown, I find everything so peaceful and romantic, seeing that the simple life inspires me with will and determination, I decided to leave the noisy life in the city and return to the countryside to settle down.
I built a farm in the mountains, Started everything with empty hands, inexperienced but I will try to learn
It’s been 1 year, so far I have grown some vegetables and trees.
I raise a lot of chickens, ducks and will raise more wild boar, in the near future I will expand the farm on a larger scale. I will try to turn what I can raise and grow into a commercial product, helping my family and my parents economically!
How about you?
What does your passion do? like me?
Do you want to live life like me?
Will you support an ambitious girl like me?
It’s fun if you’re like me, Living with peaceful nature gives us a wonderful feeling, enjoying the space in nature, doing the things you like without worrying about anything.!
I will always smile when I read your comments and I will be very happy if you subscribe to the channel. thanks! ❤️️❤️️❤️️

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1. Become a sponsor and help me on my journey:
My Paypal Account: https://bit.ly/3tGtq9f
2. you can also send personal belongings, protective gear, or even necessary household tools, if you have, please contact me by email: freelife.sp058@gmail.com

About copyright, business cooperation on social networking sites (facebook, tiktok, instagram, twitch, ..) please contact me: freelife.sp058@gmail.com
Follow: Free Life
🏠 facebook: https://bit.ly/33ONtKl
🏠 Code only: https://www.tiktok.com/@freelife1666
Watch more videos about Free Life:
🏠 Full video about “Free life” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtzFDYPG9aaU2e4__UOaA5nLMwFMS-yRa
🏠 The whole video about “Building farm” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtzFDYPG9aaUz0NAVd7kgD3DOpl_kgJun
🏠 The whole video about “Building a new life” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtzFDYPG9aaWpOEZuFvERVkMtO0R39BXj



  1. Best regards Princess and sending you kisses from Germany😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😆😆

  2. Once Mi has a taste for chicken, your chickens will always be in danger of getting eaten by her. If you have somewhere else you can keep her, then it is a good idea to take her away from the farm. It is the best thing to do.

  3. Why do you want to stop the English, if you do , I'm afraid I will stop watching. I like hearings what you are thinking. It would take the joy out of your videos for me. Why do you want to stop.

  4. If English subtitle is not available, I will not subscribe because I won’t be able to understand what you are doing. Thanks

  5. Amiga deixa ele preso assim quando vc sai melhor esta é a minha opinião é só a galinha eu tinha este pobrema só que minha galinha escapou e foi lá no canil dele virou comida pra ele então eu te aconselho prede ele quando vc for sair

  6. Hola no termine de ver el video porque estoy indignada x lo q dijiste del perrito creo q tienes razon pero son animalitos espero q dejes al perrito en un vuen lugar q lo cuiden muy vien disculpame x ser tan sincera pero soy amante de los animalitos

  7. You should not skip English subtitles because I am in America I would not have been able to understand your situation without them. By the way you mentioned the word
    " bitch " in your description of your dog it was shocking and totally unexpected. Because in america it refers to a mean woman always complaining. Also I see you got the rain you wanted for your garden.

  8. Please dont skip the English subtitles.. I dont know your language and I have followed you for a long time.. I enjoy reading the subtitles so I know what and how your doing . . Thank you

  9. Humm aquele almoço deu água na boca ! gostei de ver com a sua mãe e o irmão fazendo aquela refeição ! Com relação a cadela Mi, acho que você conseguirá encontrar uma solução, na minha opinião seria mandar para um adestrador de cães para lhe ensinar boas maneiras ! A legenda em inglês como as demais legendas acho que deveria permanecer, pois assim entenderemos o que você faz e gosto de ler o que fala, o que pretende !

  10. Hi Lieu, I understand why you would want to skip the subtitles but I really enjoy meeting your family and learning about so many different things that are different from my part of the world. You don’t need to comment on everything. Like I know you’re picking cucumbers, but I’ve never seen mustard greens before your videos. I know now. So you could skip them now. This brings up many questions. I’ve often wondered if this channel and a few similar ones are run by someone else and they charge for extra work editing. I would love to continue this in a quiet conversation if you want.

  11. Amiga, pienso que No debes Omitir el Inglés.
    Tienes miles de
    Seguidores que sólo e n tienden el Inglés. Yo Resido en Orlando, Florida, USA. Sé lo mucho que les gustan tus Videos. La Cultura de Vietnam nos
    Encanta. Además Aprendemos tantas cosas de
    La Agricultura, Alimentos Saludables, Pesca y Sobretodo que los Vietnamitas
    Son muy Luchadores,
    Sencillos y Amigables, como Tú. Pero lo que
    Escribes en Inglés que las letras sean más grandes y las
    Frases o sea la
    Historia de los Videos sean más cortas. Promociona tus
    Videos y te deseo mucho Exito. Bendiciones 😘.

  12. What I would do for your dog is build Mi and dog pen big enough for her to walk around when you are not home.. put a dog house in the pen..

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