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Harvesting broccoli plants always requires you to keep a few important things in mind. Harvest broccoli plants the right way with help from a classically-trained chef with experience in both world class restaurants and private dining companies in this free video clip.

Expert: Teca Thompson
Filmmaker: Rudi Rose

Series Description: There are few things more satisfying (and ultimately more delicious) than growing a nice vegetable garden on your own property. Find out what you need to know to successfully start or maintain a vegetable garden with help from a classically-trained chef with experience in both world class restaurants and private dining companies in this free video series.


  1. thanks for the tip,i live in jamaica where its hot during the summer,wat u reccommend for the broclli plant

  2. The tips are very simple but these are really the proper way to harvest brocolli plants. During the harvest time, it is still up to us if we will include the leaves or let them reproduce continually to another brocolli.

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