A holiday dinner should be special. So let’s not make the same thing over and over and go a little more interesting… homemade Peking duck with all the fixings.

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Full Recipe: https://www.joshuaweissman.com/post/the-perfect-holiday-dinner-homemade-peking-duck

Ingredients Needed:

Chinese Mandarin Pancakes: 
* 2 cups (300g) all purpose flour 
* 1 cup (237ml) water
* 1 tablespoon (11g) sesame oil 

Honey Plum Sauce: 
* 1 lb (16oz) fresh plums, pitted & chopped w/ skin
* 1/4 cup (59ml) rice vinegar 
* 1/4 cup (58g) sugar 
* 2 tablespoons (38g) honey
* 2 tablespoons (30ml) shaoxing wine
* 1/4 cup (52g) sriracha 
* 2 tablespoons (26g) dark soy sauce

Five Spice Sichuan Seasoning:
* 4 tablespoons (72g) kosher salt
* 2.5 tablespoons (31g) granulated sugar
* 1 tablespoon (5g) Chinese five spice
* 1.5 teaspoons (6g) Sichuan peppercorn powder

Maltose Glaze: 
* 3 tablespoons (45ml) shaoxing wine
* 1/4 cup (86g) maltose
* 2 tablespoons (24g) Chinese red vinegar 
* 1 tablespoon (12g) Chinese black vinegar 
* 2 cups (473ml) water

To Serve: 

* 1/2 cucumber, very finely julienned 
* 1 bunch of green onions, ultra fine julienne
*Optional*  1 cup pickled carrots


  1. this man just pulled out a bike pump and everyone was like : yeah i have this at home

  2. Beautiful. I spent $300 on 4 Peking ducks this past Christmas 😌. Took the fam out to eat. Full bill was $650. Was worth it. Very expensive for me but worth it

  3. I actually make a damn good turkey. But I can cook! Agahahaha!! 😂😂😂😂

  4. My wife and I just returned from a restaurant who has been known for peking duck for 30 years. For unspecified reasons this dish fell out of the WTF menu ?! We've been talking about this duck for a week, how much we want to eat it and unfortunately a big disappointment that I have to fix myself and at the weekend I will give my wife a duck, which I will prepare myself according to your recipe. On Wednesday, farmers from nearby villages come to town with goods and I will buy a duck there. wish me luck! Josh, thanks for being my inspiration.

  5. I……have literally never heard of anyone cooking beef for Christmas, we cook ham and chicken-like what type of beef would you even cook

  6. Why is your editing so frenetic? Did you even want to make Peking duck or just to churn a video? Nice visuals but man, take a breath.

  7. Cold water before handling the Moltise helps to stop it from sticking to your fingers, thank you Hercules Candy YouTube lol

  8. Is there any other option to Maltose such as Honey. MSG, Maltodextrine those things are pretty dangerous. I don't want to pop in 10 different medications when I hit 50.

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  10. I was intrested in watching this, but he said chinese pancakes are like tortillas. There just not 🤣

  11. Making Mandarin pancakes is a two-person job, and it takes a LONG time to do. But they're delicious!

  12. I tried getting my mom to agree to doing this for Christmas, and I even offered to do it and she wouldn’t budge lol

  13. You need to do one very important step with the salt, you need to fry it, get a heavy bottomed pan add your salt and turn on low to medium, keep stirring untill the salt turns an off white transfer to a container and leave till cold then add other ingredients, cooking the salt removes the sodium but keeps the salt flavour, I trained in a Chinese resturant for 12 months, being a white English trainee chef this was a huge pleasure and I thank my head chef for the opportunity and the knowledge he gave me

  14. I just made this yesterday for Christmas dinner. It was AMAZING. Thanks Joshua for this video!

  15. Oh my God I followed the recipe exactly and even with a commercial hood fan it smoked up my whole house so badly my guests were asking for Visine! It will take me a week of cleaning to try to get my oven clean enough to use again. I likely will never get it back to ±100% clean. Duck was good, skin not crispy as described. Whole ordeal not worth the time or trouble.

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