thanksgiving side dish recipes 2023 arugula salad with pomegranate. This arugula salad is a great salad recipe because its a little bit different. The salad dressing for my arugula salad is a delicious pomegranate vinigiarette. Arugula salad with pomegranate is the perfect combination for an amazing salad recipe. Fresh pomegranate seeds and toasted pine nuts give the arugula salad flavor, texture, and a pop of color. The arugula salad dressing recipe is super simple, everything is put in a mason jar and shaken up. I will show you how to make this healthy recipe and I have a special way of preparing fresh figs for the salad that truly make my arugula salad recipe with pomegranate the best.

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  1. In any "How to open a pomegranate" video I've watched, no one ever mentions the inner texture of the seeds being too hard to chew and swallow. I tried a pomegranate for the very first time, today, and though it was work cleaning it out by separating the pith from the arils submerged in water, I found the little squirt of juice pleasant and tangy, but couldn't get past the hard inner seed of each aril. I had to spit it out which means eating these things aren't worth it. I won't do this again.

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