Learn how to make blinis with smoked salmon. Russian blinis are small savory pancakes. They are typically served with caviar and smoked salmon accompanied with some soured cream and melted butter. Try this Russian blinis recipe!

Buckwheat Blinis ingredients: 0:24
Buckwheat Blinis method: 0:40
Print the full recipe: https://onlineculinaryschool.net/buckwheat-blinis-with-smoked-salmon-video/

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#howtomakeblinis #blinisrecipe #buckweatblinis #russianblinisrecipe #smokedsalmonblinis #blinisrecipe #homemadeblinis #salmonblinis


  1. These aren't what I think of as blinis or "Russian Pancakes" at all. Honestly, watch a video made by a Russian instead.

  2. Hi, Chef. Awesome recipe!. Would this work without Buckwheat flour?? Just using all-purpose?. I live in Norway and I´ve tried to find it but, so far no luck 🙁

  3. okay, I'm russian, and I can tell you, this is not Russian blini. I don;t know what this is, im sure it's tasty, but it has nothing to do with Russia. Nothing at all. Starting from the recepie (we don't use either buckwheat flour or yist) to the size (russian blini are made on a full size frying pan, so they are large in diametre. Weird you didn't learn that in that russian restaurant you worked at.

  4. Can anyone explain to me how the dill does not overpower the subtle flavors of the salmon and rest of the ingredients? Its just when I do not omit the dill sprig, all I taste is dill.

  5. im russian and im sorry but this is not blinis. The tradtitional ones are flat and a little see through. these ones are way smaller so I think your actually making oladyis

  6. Looks very tasty! Never seen yeast used in блины… I don’t think these would be recognizable as blini to most Russians – much too thick. More like a North American pancake. Maybe the Russian restaurant you learned it at changed their blini to be more appealing to North Americans since they aren’t used to savory pancakes. I’m sure those taste fantastic though!

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