Written Recipe: http://www.LauraintheKitchen.com

Episode: 1351

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  1. If I didn't know better, I'd swear your drunk of something, interesting

  2. 2:54 Could she mean take your AP flour (since im guessing this part of the vid shes giving us an alternative to self rising flour)? But she does say: take your self rising flour? Yikes I hope she means AP flour bc Im making this today ❤🍓

  3. I’m wondering the difference between this dough and just puff pastry?

  4. You make it look so good and I don’t like strawberry shortcake lol Just not one for baking powder biscuits but my family will love this.

  5. Ahhh! what did I do wrong my dough was pea sized and then I added the buttermilk concoction. It went to a gooey sticky mess. I need some advise to try it again
    Help with some feedback, please.

  6. HELP! I'm making this right now and following your directions to a tea and it's a gooey Mess. Please help. In some of the comments they say you said self rising flour on accident. I did use self rising is that why? I remade it 4 times now today

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