Today, I am going to show you one if the many wats I make chicken salad. I wanted to make something savory and fresh for lunch. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel for more recipes.

Welcome to the Simply Mamá Cooks YouTube Channel! I am a Mom to a blended Korean / Mexican American family who loves to share what I cook at home. I am still learning and enjoy the process of making home-cooked meals.


⭐️ Chicken Salad with GRAPES

2 lb rotisserie chicken
2 celery sticks
4 scallions
1 medium carrot
1/4 of a red bell pepper
3/4 cup mayo
salt and pepper to taste

How to make Chicken Salad
Amazing Chicken Salad you can make for parties


  1. Best reason to try different stuff in your salads. Your always FUKK by the time it's made to your satisfaction. 😆😁❤

  2. Thanks for sharing. I love easy and forgiving recipes. Those don’t like it don’t add it recipes resort forgiving ❤

  3. I'm definitely going to try this and I'm going to pick a real pretty pasta that I can add what's some purple bell peppers purple shallots, yellow and white carrots cut up bits of cactus pears I love the color of them is awesome 🥰💯‼️ my mouth is watering.📺📽️🥇🥇❤️🖤💛✨💎🥂👌🏼🙋🏻‍♀️💯‼️

  4. Se ve muy sabroso, la verdad. Looks delicious. Greetings from France, bon appétit 😉 , I'll prepare some this weekend

  5. That is indeed a perfect chicken salad sandwich! I Love cucumbers on sandwiches too! 😋

  6. I tried this and my husband and I loved it! Made it again yesterday, I added raisins and cranberries. Yummy! I’m going to make The Easiest Mexican Rice ur Dads way today. Can’t seem to find the HEB butter tortillas anywhere. R they just in Texas? U mean I have to make them? LOL Love all your recipes and have tried many of them. Hi to ur lovely family. ❤

  7. I could eat that every day. Maybe a touch of mustard would be nice? Your videos are so dependably excellent that a thumb's up is the first thing I add before I even watch. Love all you do! And thank you.

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