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Corn bread doesn’t have a whole lot of secrets, but I have one. That secret is using an herb browned butter in the batter. It’s a small extra bit of effort for a massive addition of flavor. Either way, 30 minutes is all you need to make this so let’s gooooo.

Recipe: https://www.joshuaweissman.com/post/homemade-cornbread

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  1. I will never go back to the box mix again. Best recipe ever. I had actually given up on finding a good recipe.

  2. I lost my little recipe book that had the cornbread recipe in it. To get a new one I thought I'd check in with my old friend, Josh. I made this cornbread. My family's love for me is deeper. They didn't say it. I just know. Thanks, buddy.

  3. Hey Josh your bread playlist on youtube needs updating
    Only found out cuz I went on your website finally
    Thanks so much for all your cooking videos!

  4. Josh, no offense, but I’d challenge you my mom’s cornbread to yours. No joke man, it’s stupid good.

  5. Slow down the voice a bit especially during the ingredients segment a bit. Too fast and I need to rewind 5 times to capture the info. Besides that go hyper mode all ya want.

  6. All Stores 900,000 Please Lower the price of all Brands of Military Equipment and Local for All Brands of Cornbread Mix Products and Production Cost Now 900,000 That's Too Much $$ 900,000 Now The Whole World 900,000 Now 🙏 🤲 🕍 🕌 ⛪ 🛕

  7. Sorry it took me so long to find ur channel!! This is the 2nd bread recipe of urs this wk. The 1st, english muffins, was fantastic. This cornbread was even better. Both are going in my personal recipe box!!! Tks!

  8. I did make this and it did turn out as the best I've ever eaten. I thought I just hated cornbread

  9. I haven’t tried this recipe yet. I wouldn’t be surprised that it’s delicious, however, my moms cornbread (which she learned from my grandmother) is insanely good. That’s no joke…hands-down awesome. Wish you could try it out.

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