Who knew a clam bake could be so easy and delicious!

Recipe: https://www.cookingwiththerobinsons.com/blogs/all/clam-bake-easy-and-delicious?_pos=1&_sid=cf52a7c00&_ss=r

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  1. thanks for the video man. going to have my first boil/bake here soon. great info! appreciate it

  2. This looks fantastic, I am trying it today for my birthday meal can't wait. One question, you didn't mention how long the muscles we steamed before adding the shrimp. I am guessing another 6 min. but thought I'd ask.

  3. How do you know if you haven't overcooked your clams and mussels when the last thing you put in is your shrimp?

  4. I made this last summer for a family gathering for the first time. I’ve already had requests for another boil. Gonna be an annual thing, I guess, and that’s ok by me! Love it!

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