For a succulent melt in the mouth family meal, you must try this quick to prepare lamb stew recipe. Slow cooked for big flavour – this is one dish you’ll be coming back to again and again. Catch up on all of Jamie’s shows in the UK on

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  1. Any advice: I followed the recipe and double checked by watching this video but my sauce didn't reduce at all. I thought maybe I was supposed to leave it uncovered but recipe and video confirms covered. Help please 🙂

  2. I love lamb meat. I am a big meat lover and I love cooking with lamb, even though it hasn't been so often…. Lamb meat is quite expensive in the grocery store.
    Thanks for teaching me so much Jamie! Cooking is the best thing in life, it's my biggest passion and I want to work as a chef or something similar. You are my best teacher and I love your channel!!!
    Lots of love and peace from Sweden!!!

  3. u absolutely should not get close to any dish w lamb as u do not have a clue how to cook lamb..didnt expect much anyways

  4. No salt in the whole video
    I was waiting for the salt to make an appearance

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