Sourdough bread made with flour, water and salt only.
There is no commercial yeast.
In a mixture of rye flour and bread flour, add Levain,
a rustic French bread baked with natural fermentation.
The texture is quite unique.
There is acidity, and there is a characteristic flavor.
Slightly toasted rye campagne with scrambled eggs is fantastic.

Mukgling’s baking method uses the No Knead method.
Using the minimum tools, seek bread making at home easily.
Anyone can make bread easily.

■ Click the Subtitle button → Subtitles will be displayed in the video.
■ How to make Levain

(B’s (%) = Baker’s Percentage = Bakers Percent)
(Tr (g) = actual input amount = Truth Input)

■ Dough Formulation|1 loaf : 408 g
B’s(%): 82%, Tr(g): 164g Water (before salt, 150g water + after salt, 14g water)
B’s(%): 20%, Tr(g): 40g Levain (Leaven)
B’s(%): 80%, Tr(g): 160g Bread flour (Strong flour)
B’s(%): 20%, Tr(g): 40g Rye flour (Bob’s Red Mill)
B’s(%): 2%, Tr(g): 4g Salt

■ Process | Room Temperature : 25℃
1. Put 150g (10℃) of water into the bowl.
2. Put the Leaven(Levain) and Mix evenly.
3. After adding strong flour(Bread Flour), and rye flour,
Mix evenly until the flour is invisible (dough temperature: 23.4°C).
4. 40 minutes of rest at room temperature | Autolyze
5. Add salt and add 14g of water and mix by hand. (Dough Temperature : 25℃)
6. After 2 hours of rest, the first fold (folding)
7. After 2 hours of rest, the second fold (folding)
8. After that, fermentation at room temperature : 30 minutes
9. Fold the dough lightly and round it
10. Rest at room temperature for 40 minutes
11. After shaping,
     panning dough in Banneton.
12. Second fermentation: After 2 hours 30 minutes at room temperature,
refrigerated fermentation (2℃, 1 hour)
13. Preheat oven.
Oven temperature is raised as high as possible during the second fermentation to preheat
(my oven maximum temperature 250℃)
Preheat the lodge in a fully-heated oven for at least 20 minutes.(Lodge LCC3 Cast Iron Combo Cooker, Pre Seasoned, 3.2-Quart)
14. Cut the second fermented dough surface with a knife(use coupe knife).
15. Put the dough into the preheated lodge 10-inch combo cooker floor
16. Cover the lid of the lodge 10-inch combo cooker.
17. Put it in the oven
18. After baking for 30 minutes,
remove the lid of lodge and continue baking for 10 minutes
     (40 minutes baking in total)

■ Caution: Always be careful when using the oven or lodge combo cooker
(It is very hot, so use it after wearing very thick oven gloves)



  1. 롯지 콤보 10인치인가요? 최근에 구독했는데요 양질의영상 감사해요 자주 자주 보고 배우려구요 ^^

  2. 아래에 열선이 없는 빌트인 오븐도 하드빵들을 만들수 있을까요?ㅠㅠ 지멘스 오븐이에요!!

  3. Bravo bread man!!!! Joyous and beautiful loafus! I have not baked a nice fresh loaf in a good while even though I have an unused starter that I made last October i need to feed it badly:(

  4. 호밀대신 통밀 넣으면 맛이 달라지나요??
    ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 둘 차이를 잘 모르겠어요!!

  5. Did you skip step 7?or you just cut video.after 40 min autolyse a did first fold after 2hrs and then second fold after another 2hrs

  6. クラムが大きく、しっとりモチモチ感も伝わってきました!



  7. Can we talk about stirring in plastic containers with metal utensils? This is why we can't have nice things.

  8. Mukgling님 영상 발견하고 풍미있는 사워도우 만드는걸 성공했어요!! 영상 감사드립니다 >_<

    하지만 문제가..맛과 텍스쳐가 참 좋은 빵이지만 옆으로 퍼지고 부풀지가 않았어요ㅠㅠ 지금 다시 빵을 만들고 있는데 bulk fermentation을 하는 도중 뭔가 너무 찐득해서 folding을 몇번 더 해줬거든요? 거의 40분 간격으로요. 그런데도 도우가 너무 찐득거리고 옆으로 퍼지는 느낌이.. shaping이 거의 불가능 하더라고요 ㅠㅠ

    저는 rye flour로 만든 스타터에 stone ground bread flour를 넣어서 르방을 만들었는데요. 르방은 대략 3-4시간 후면 두배로 부풀고 물에 뜨는거 같아서 사용했는데 더 기다렸다가 해야 하는거였을까요? 참고로 실내 온도는 22-23도 였어요.

    밀가루는 시판용 밀가루가 아닌 근처 flour mill에서 사온 신선한 stone ground 밀가루를 사용해서 wheat germ이라던지 발효를 도울만한것들이 더 많이 들어있을꺼라고 추측은 하고있어요.
    르방이 문제인지 over-fermentation이 된건지 아직은 감이 안잡히네요. 혹시 어떤게 문제 였을 수 있을지 추측이 가신다면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다!!

  9. thank you for sharing the recipe and make the video easy to follow. Can I ask the size of your banneton?

  10. If I'd do the whole fermentation in the refrigerator, how long should be the maximum?

  11. Ugh the sounds the sounds. Id love to watch this video but, the sounds. Play some music if you dont want to talk. And then the chewing. Disgusting

  12. Wonderful loaf! Can I get the brand name of the Benetton and where it can be purchased. I haven’t seen one like that before. Most of them are made from bamboo.

  13. Can I keep the bread in the fridge for longer than 1 hour? I am making three loaves and only one bread fits in my oven at once.

  14. Wow. Nothing better than instructional videos that provide NO instruction. 🙁

  15. I cannot find the right recipe for the leavain anymore? Was the ratio of sourdough starter to bread flour to water 1:1:1?

  16. That’s way too much bread eating for a video…pretty good recipe nevertheless

  17. I love the texture of this bread. How would you adapt this recipe to cups instead of grams? And with an overnight fermentation? I don't want to spend all day and be mostly hands off. Thanks

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