Easy tasty quick German bratwurst and sauerkraut dish. I know it is not common to parboil the wursts, but I do it anyway!


  1. @juggla4evr1 I noticed many folks do not like to parboil the bratwursts, in which case you'd have to grill them on the skillet for quite some time on a super low flame…until they brown really well and the center is not pink and raw. If you parboil them like I do, grilling them is a snap because they are essentially "cooked" through, you just brown the outside to your preference; 3 to 4 minutes each side, turning frequently.

  2. Ich wohne in California, so finde ich ganz selden richtige echte deutscher wurste. Bei uns in die Naehe, haben wir einen Nuggets Market, und die machen bratwurste selber. Nicht schlecht!

  3. what method they cook the bratwursts in Germany?
    I was informed they don't pan fry or parboil them as we do.

    Thank You

  4. Hey Boobtuber!
    That is true, my wife is from Germany and she cooks them slowly in a pan and turns them frequently so they are cooked through and not pink in the middle. I am impatient, so I parboil and then brown them as she does, only for a shorter time.

  5. Bratwurst is grilled over charcoal in Germany. Bockwurst and white Weißwurst from Bavaria are heated in warm water.You can see it on my channel. Greetings from Germany.

  6. im from Nordrhein-Westfalen in western Germany, and for my ppersonal taste the sauerkraut looks way to raw.we usually braise it in the pot till its well caramellised and browned, and we also dont use water in the process. the Bratwurst looks good though. and a little tip: serve it with boiled potatoes and turn the meat juices from the skillet into a gravy ^^

  7. Take a look at the sodium content on the label of the kraut jar sometime. Believe me when I tell you you do not need to add salt to sauerkraut lol

  8. There are two types of sauerkraut, regular (sour) and Bavarian (which is sweet and less sour, plus it has caraway). You also should serve boiled potatoes with butter. A slice of rye bread is a nice complement. Thanks for posting.

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