A refreshing apricot drink made from dried apricot paste. We also show a recipe variation with orange juice added.


  1. Thank you for apricot juice I like it !!!!!O!!!
    That music it is really nicest.thanks for you kind posting this music.
    Many thanks.

  2. من فضلك طريقة إعداد عجينة المشمش لأنها غير متوفرة في lلسوق التونسية

  3. What if u don't have orange blossom water &its not even available? ?
    Also is there a reason why dried apricots r used here, or can we use fresh fruit purée? ?

  4. كل عام وانتو بخير وان شالله ينعاد علينا وعليكو ….ممكن وصفه للمعمول بلتمر …..والله يعطيكو العافيه وصفاتكم دائما تنال اعجابي …..انتم الافضل

  5. كل عام وأنتم ومتابعيكم الأفاضل يخير والى الله اقرب تسلم الايادي mahdsanid

  6. is this the drink I many north Africans bring for breaking the fast during Ramadan? If you know, please fill me in. I would love to make this for Ramadan, esp if its filling and holds water well. I need to stay hydrated.

  7. قناة رائعة جدا اعشق ما تقدموه و في انتظار مزيد من الوصفات و ايضا اختياركم للمقطوعات الموسيقية جميل شكرااا لكم حتى الاكلات اللي ما احبها بفكر اجربها لان طريقتكم باللعداد و الاخراج رائعة جدا يعطيكم العافية ممكن طريقة ورق العنب و الكبة الشامية اذا استطعتم و شكرا لكم

  8. Thank you dear I made this today and it was great! Please keep your videos coming. Most of the recipes I tried from your channel turned out wonderful. God bless you !

  9. I still remember the taste of that dried apricot paste! It was about 8 years ago when my mother came back from her trip and brought this sweet. At first the taste was quite strange, reminded me of tar smell, but later it was the only thing that I've enjoyed so much! It's so sad that there are no apricot paste in the whole Europe but I am thinking: maybe I'll enjoy this again sometime later! Good recipe. 😉

  10. Lkn qaadada birta shabaqa shabaqa ah aad ku walaaqeesi qamaradiinka markaa dabaka saartay almuniumka soo ma hoolaayo. Alwax ama qori waad isticmaali kartaaa sida kale maanshaa allh xawaash ❤

  11. رائع جدا،،،رائع جدا هذه الفيديو و أريد أن أشرب هذ الشرب…..
    بارك الله لنا.

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