Onion rings are so crispy, so crunchy, so delicious… why not make them two different ways with not
one, but two dipping sauces?

Recipe: https://www.joshuaweissman.com/post/crispiest-homemade-onion-rings

Blender: https://shop-links.co/1736668194675239095
Pyrex Measuring Cup: https://shop-links.co/1736668139947413137
Induction Cooktop: https://shop-links.co/1736668177531399112

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  1. Never understood why ‘chefs’ cut so much off the ends of veggies. The waste is gross. Premium tools, lots of practice under your belt, no excuse.

  2. This was my first attempt at frying something, as an 18 year old learning to cook it’s a scary thing, I think I had the oil on too high and the onion ring launched out of the pot and landed on the floor. They are now in the air fryer instead

  3. Followed this tutorial to make me munchies as I wanted onion rings. Enjoyed the bloody hell out of them. Except I used red onions since I didn't have yellow onions.

    Thank You Joshua 🙏🐼🎨📼💾

  4. Lol I always thought onion ring is people chop then put batter then fry it …

  5. Just made these and I’m melting in my seat right now on how good it is THX JOSH

  6. I grew up in New Hampshire and every Fall we went to the Agricultural Fairs and getting onion rings was a must. The onion rings at the fair were similar to tempura batter, nice and light so the mild, sweet flavor of the onion came through. There probably was not much in the batter for seasoning, and they were salted as soon as they came out of the oil. I have never had better rings than at the fair. I hate heavy batter or breading as it takes away from the onion.

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