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  1. Damn I remember this channel! The first one I subscribed to until you went MIA and started a new one lol

  2. It’s good to see new staffers in vids or ones I haven’t atleast seen before lol they look very interested to be learning from you boss hoss. Hope all is well and let’s pray to keep the haters away from your Cuisine which is always awesome and down to earth EVERYTIME : )

  3. He just chucked the same amount of butter a domestic Japanese family would use in 1 week.

  4. i often wonder if some people thumbs down these videos just for the sake of doing it ? i didn't see anything wrong , looked good to me

  5. From one of the best classic channels. This got my mouth watering. Thanks for sharing. Tony

  6. what happened to the clarity of the vid..look really old for a new vid..time for a new Camera perhaps,,no disrespect intended,,i love your Channel Jack and its blurry as well..your biggets fan KD

  7. Best chef on the internet!!! he's amazing…makes it look so easy and teaches as he cooks…. love it!

  8. i'd love to see Gordon Ramsay come into this guy's restaurant and tell Chef Jack that his food is crap and then watch him get throat punched. LOL!

  9. Went to bed pished. Checked Youtube recommendations. One of his videos came up. 2 hours later still watching and now subscribed. Oh and now super hungry 🙁

  10. Love this guy but at 240 he put a open mussel in the pan cmon he saw it to you can get someone very sick from that

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