PSA. Fryer grease hot.

by Paczilla2


  1. 80sCrackBBY

    browsing reddit before i got to bed, this legit might give me a nightmare. so how do u clean this up? cat litter?

  2. ConfidentDaikon8673

    Wait it’s not cold? Who would of thought

  3. WHY? I mean WHY?

    Also not the dumbest.

    Had a guy start draining – but he forgot to put the spout on so it went nowhere near the bucket.

  4. Pegomastax_King

    Am i the only one that thinks it’s stupid to do the fryers while they are hot? It’s probably the most dangerous task in the kitchen.

  5. but…. why not stockpots??? what did those poor 14qt cambros do to you

  6. DrIvan7428

    No joke. This happened when I was 19. Grill guy came in hung over as shit. Drained a fryer without a bucket. Meeting of the heads occurs because we Must open for lunch at 11. Pastry chef comes up with the plan to dump a 50# bag of Flour, making a giant Roux, which could then be swept up and mopped. Still the most brilliant fix I’ve ever seen.

  7. Ok_Broccoli1144

    I would like to know the IQ level of the idiot that puts 350 oil in a plastic container.

  8. FrostyCartographer13

    Still boggles my mind that this still happens. I guess new individuals who are either ignorant or think they are too smart to do it the correct way.

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