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Want to take your studies about herbs and aromatherapy to the next level? We cover rosemary and about 100 other aromatic herbs in depth in our science-backed Herbal Aromatherapy Certification Program™. Find out more at:

Disclaimer: All content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice, nor does it replace medical treatment. Any claims made herein have not been evaluated by the FDA, but we do build our lessons off of established scientific research. Please consult your medical team prior to using herbs or herbal products. You are responsible for your own health, research, actions, and use of plants and plant products.

Dehydrator we use:


  1. Wouldn't MCT oil work better as it is lighter and is not greasy? Or will it not infuse as well. Or is it that you prefer sunflower oil from a personal perspective.

  2. What is the shelf life of this oil if I put in the vitamin E oil? How much vitamin E oil should I put in? Thank you for sharing this great video!

  3. Can we let the rosemary infuse in the oil by letting it sit in the sun for a few weeks instead of the boiler method? Thank you for your time

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