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Hey there! Do you love to snack on dips with your favorite crunchy sides? Then you’ll definitely want to try out this Roasted Red Pepper and Fava Dip!

I used to serve it up in my restaurant, and it was always a hit. The best part? You can totally make it ahead of time and keep it in the fridge until you’re ready to dig in.

Here’s how to make it: first, you’ll need to cook up some fresh fava beans until they’re nice and soft. While those are cooking, roast up a red bell pepper and chop it up into small pieces. Then, throw the cooked fava beans, roasted red pepper, garlic, tahini, lemon juice, and olive oil into a food processor and pulse it all together until it’s smooth. Don’t forget to season it with a bit of salt and pepper, too!

Once it’s all blended up, you can serve it with some pita bread, crackers, or veggies for dipping. Or, get creative and use it as a spread on your favorite sandwich or as a topping for your grilled meats or fish.

Not only is this dip seriously delicious, but it’s also packed with healthy nutrients. The fava beans are a great source of protein and fiber, while the roasted red pepper is loaded with vitamin C. And don’t forget about the healthy fats from the tahini and olive oil.

So, next time you’re looking for a tasty and healthy snack, whip up a batch of this Roasted Red Pepper and Fava Dip. Your taste buds (and your body) will thank you!


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