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#keto #lowcarb #lowcarblove #ketorecipes
00:00 Introduction
00:20 Ingredients
01:35 Prepping Veggies
03:03 Drink Break
03:59 Cooking Meat
05:11 Making Soup
06:58 Final Product
07:36 Taste Test

If you love The Zuppa de Toscana soup fromĀ  Olive Garden look no further this one is it Hey guys welcome back to my channel I’m Mayra fromĀ  low carb love now for those of you that don’t knowĀ Ā 

I’ve lost over 100 lb by making substitutes ofĀ  my favorite foods so today I’m going to shareĀ Ā  with you my sua the Toscana this is a lighterĀ  version I’ve kind of broken down the caloriesĀ Ā 

And the macaros and it boils down to about 100Ā  calories per Bowl but it has all the flavor soĀ Ā  one of the things that adds a ton of caloriesĀ  to a regular soup is all of the heavy creamĀ Ā 

That they use so I’m going to show you my littleĀ  hacks I make a little few tweaks that gives youĀ Ā  all the flavor but without all the calories andĀ  fat and carbs okay so typically the soup is madeĀ Ā 

With pork the pork is a lot fattier it does haveĀ  a lot more calories so what we’re going to useĀ Ā  is some turkey meat but we are going to seasonĀ  the heck out of it so it’s going to have all theĀ Ā 

Flavor and with everything mixed together trustĀ  me the texture is super on point this is a soupĀ Ā  that you can literally eat all year round okayĀ  this is not just for the winter or when it’s coldĀ Ā 

This is a soup that you can have at any givenĀ  time and you are going to enjoy the heck outĀ Ā  of it actually before I cook this let’s go aheadĀ  and just prep our veggies now in case you don’tĀ Ā 

Know what goes into a Supa de Toscana we have ourĀ  kale we have our onion garlic now remember we areĀ Ā  making this a lighter version this is going to beĀ  less calories it’s going to be lower in carbs soĀ Ā 

Instead of potato I don’t know if you know whatĀ  this is or if you’ve ever seen this but this isĀ Ā  a chaote okay I don’t know what the name of itĀ  is in English but in Spanish it’s Chote so if youĀ Ā 

Know what it is let me know it literally mimicsĀ  potatoes down to the tea like the texture is onĀ Ā  point so this really hits the spot when you’reĀ  craving potatoes and you’re either diabetic orĀ Ā 

You are trying to um keep your food low carb rightĀ  here chaote is Bomb for the chaote basically whatĀ Ā  we want here are like you’re just think aboutĀ  how big you would want your potatoes like someĀ Ā 

People love huge chunks I’m not that personĀ  I like mine to be kind of like bite size soĀ Ā  this is kind of like what I’m going for this isĀ  the same size that I would cut my potatoes thenĀ Ā 

We have our zucchini let’s go ahead and doĀ  kind of like our little Half Moon Vibe rightĀ Ā  here so for the kale we do want to take out theĀ  stem and then we’re just going to kind of giveĀ Ā 

It a rough chop okay so we’re going to moveĀ  over to the stove I have everything preppedĀ Ā  already I’m in myself my colostrum drink thisĀ  is the one from armura the vine watermelon isĀ Ā  everything in life guys if you don’t know aboutĀ  colostrum Ostrum is absolutely amazing for yourĀ Ā 

Overall health this stuff right here has overĀ  400 nutrients it’s a bioactive food so on topĀ Ā  of all the nutrients it’s amazing for your hairĀ  skin nails just like your overall immune systemĀ Ā  it helps build like a gut barrier you knowĀ  that 70% of our immune system lives in ourĀ Ā 

Gut so we really have to do everything we canĀ  on your you know just daily like whether it’sĀ Ā  your Foods your snacks just choosing healthierĀ  foods nonprocessed stuff I drink this aboutĀ Ā  three times a day the canister has 90 Scoops soĀ  it’s perfect for like three servings a day butĀ Ā 

On top of that it’s just a great way to hydrateĀ  it tastes absolutely delicious literally likeĀ Ā  think of the watermelon Jolly ranching fromĀ  back in the day but super like refreshing andĀ Ā  then without all the bad ingredients you can useĀ  my discount code which is LCL and it’ll get youĀ Ā 

15% off on your order so I’ll leave it linked inĀ  the description below but I’m going to go aheadĀ Ā  and enjoy this while we make our soup let’s add aĀ  little bit of avocado oil to sautĆ© our onion and

Garlic minced garlic fresh garlic always makesĀ  your food taste better if you don’t have itĀ Ā  garlic powder will work okie dokie now we’reĀ  throwing in our turkey and if you wanted toĀ Ā  use more meat you could use half turkey half porkĀ  the pork is always going to add more flavor andĀ Ā 

And um texture but the way we’re going to makeĀ  it and to season it it is going to be deliciousĀ Ā  trust me now I’m going to season extra garlicĀ  powder okay make sure we get that flavor onion powder Italian

Seasoning I’m not really like I don’t like myĀ  to be super spicy but I do like a little kickĀ Ā  so we’re gonna do some chili flakes and thenĀ  of course some salt and pepper okay so ourĀ Ā 

Meat is pretty much cooked through now I’mĀ  going to go ahead and add in our chaote andĀ Ā  zucchini and then sundried Tomatoes okay thisĀ  is that soup if you go if you’ve been to OliveĀ Ā  Garden and you order that sup toana this isĀ  it right here okay and now we’re going to addĀ Ā 

In our broth now I’m adding bone broth justĀ  because it adds additional protein to my soup okay Beauty typically um the soupa theĀ  Toscana uses heavy cream but heavy creamĀ Ā  is loaded with calories so what I’m goingĀ  to do is add some unsweetened almond milk

Okay and what’s going to give it the creaminessĀ  and just that richness that we’re looking forĀ Ā  on top of just like the meat and veggies andĀ  sundried tomatoes and everything is going toĀ Ā  be the parran cheese so we are adding parm toĀ  this and now I’m going to add in my kale lookĀ Ā 

At all that just neut you know green veggiesĀ  are so good for you and everything inside theĀ Ā  soup if you really think about it is all reallyĀ  nutritious especially if like in my case I evenĀ Ā  Ed bone broth instead of just regular brothĀ  which just adds to the nutrients it really isĀ Ā 

Just a super delicious soup that you can makeĀ  nutrient dents okay and then we do have someĀ Ā  fresh parm here we have a fresh block the parmĀ  is crucial because remember we didn’t add theĀ Ā 

Heavy cream okay so I’m going to leave thisĀ  on a medium heat I’m going to cover it so itĀ Ā  simmers and all just kind of comes together andĀ  I can’t wait to show you how I serve this guysĀ Ā 

I am Telling You Olive Garden has nothing onĀ  this soup all right look at this Beauty oh myĀ Ā  gosh so obviously I made mine full of meat andĀ  veggies and it’s nice and thick and Hearty theĀ Ā 

One that you get at Olive Garden is definitely aĀ  lot more broth versus all of the other goodnessĀ Ā  now the last thing is topping it with a littleĀ  extra parm so this is just fresh parmesan cheeseĀ Ā 

And now there is only one thing left to doĀ  to go in for that perfect bite all right [Music] cheers if you love The Zuppa de ToscanaĀ  soup from Olive Garden look no further you don’tĀ Ā  ever need another recipe this one is it halfĀ  the calories all the protein actually has moreĀ Ā 

Protein this is literally one of my favoriteĀ  soups I cannot wait for you to make it you’reĀ Ā  going to love it um I’m going to leave theĀ  recipe in the description below if you likeĀ Ā  this recipe and this video make sure you hitĀ  that like button and don’t forget to hit thatĀ Ā 

Notification Bell so that you’re reminded everyĀ  time I post a video share share my channel shareĀ Ā  this recipe with friends and family thatĀ  are living a low carb lifestyle they’reĀ Ā  trying to lose some weight or maybe even diabeticĀ  because all of my recipes are diabetic friendlyĀ Ā 

As well but thank you so much for being hereĀ  I love you and I’ll see you on my next video


  1. I havenā€™t finished watching yet but I made one with spicy turkey sausage, turkey burger, and coconut milk. So so good

  2. I was wondering what you were going to use to replace potatoes. I'm going to try chayote squash because potatoes are my weakness šŸ˜Š.

  3. I tried keto for about 3 weeks. Did not find it substantial. It didn't feel right. I feel that enjoying everything in moderation is the key. It's all about cutting calories. For example, if I go to an Italian restaurant and the pasta dish I order is large, I'll eat half and take the other half home. If I eat ramen noodles, I'll just eat one pack which is 370 calories. But that's what works for me

  4. Chayote is also called a vegetable pear or here in south Louisiana we call them mirlitons (French name).

  5. Thank you for sharing a low carb recipe. I love making this soup but I was trying to see how I can make it low carb.

  6. I love that soup. Iā€™m going to look for vegetable that tastes like potatoes! Otherwise I will be using regular potatoes šŸ™ˆ itā€™s still better than Olive Garden version.

  7. Hi I am a new subscriber. Love your vids. You inspired me to start keto. I bought some keto cook books to start. I do have a question though I hope you can answerā€¦. What apps do you have to track all of the net carbs??? I have watched a lot of your videos but you never tell us how you track it all. Thank you!

  8. Canā€™t wait to try !! Just finished a 3 day fast so Iā€™m easing my way back to foods with soups. Literally perfect timing !!!

  9. Thereā€™s a hundred calories just in the cheese on top of the soup šŸ˜‚. Looked great to me until the milk. Sorry.

  10. Lady, I just spent $50 bucks making this soup and let me tell you it was one of the best $50's I've ever spent

  11. My ā€œchipsā€ made out of egg whites came out spongy. What did I do wrong?
    Can you please go over wines to drink on low carb?

  12. Luv your recipes Mayra! I've been away for a bit. What ever happened to Donny? I don't see him in your videos these days. Hope all is well. šŸ™‚

  13. I love when you incorporate calories. Iā€™m on anabolic diet, only count calories and protein. I made your egg and cheese crust pizza tonight for dinner. I still canā€™t even believe it! And I used fat free cheese and egg beaters. Delicious! Bacon bits and turkey pepperoni. 575 calories, 98g protein!!!!!

  14. Can you make a video about workouts for at home? I just found ur channel and enjoy your content. PLEASE!!! Thank you! I lose 60 lbs doing low carb!!!

  15. I love your soups, Myra! I just made this today and its very satisfying. Your Tuscan soup became a staple recipe, too. Thank you! You're awesome!!! ā¤

  16. It sounds yummy! I'll have to get the recipe later, for some reason it's not printing off my cell. Can't wait to try it, Mayra!

  17. Thanks for the chayote tip I had never known what it was and I went to my local store called Manolo's and it was easily found I bought four and I'm going to put it in my neck bone and cabbage soup, thanks

  18. Definitely a favorite soup of mine pre-low carb! Did you use beef or chicken bone broth? The video looks like beef but the recipe says chicken, so I just wondered if it mattered or not. Will definitely be trying this! Thank you! šŸ’œ

  19. Ground turkey makes the perfect Italian sausageā€¦ I use garlic powder , onion powder, salt, pepper, and ground fennel seedā€¦. Chili flakes are optionalā€¦.. no one would ever suspect itā€™s not ā€œregular ā€œ Italian sausageā€¦.. thanks for the chayote tip!! šŸ˜Šā¤

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